Emotional Intelligence Test

Emotional Intelligence TestThe Emotional Intelligence test is a short assessment that measures your EQ (also know as the Emotional Quotient). You will learn about your behavior in four key areas:

  • Self Awareness
  • Self Management
  • Social Awareness
  • Relationship Management

You get a comprehensive report with a four-quadrant grid showing your EQ overall score and individual scores for each of the key areas and competencies. The report describes your strengths and weakness. You get detailed explanations from your emtional intelligence test.

There are two versions of the EQ test. One is for leaders or professionals, an the other is for salespeople. Click here to view a sample emotional intelligence report. Click here to view a sample report for salespeople.

Select the first option if you want help to debrief your emotional intelligence test and report.   You will have an opportunity to work with a certified executive coach to help you understand your report. You will also work with your coach to develop an action plan.  Together you will work together to increase your effectiveness in a number of key areas from your Emotional Intelligence Test report. Your coach will contact you to set up a one-hour debriefing and coaching session.

Select the second option if you only want just an emotional intelligence assessment.  You can order it below for $79.95.

To learn more about executive coaching or emotional intelligence, call 513-772-5115 or contact us to discuss.

Emotional Intelligence Assessment