Do you need Emotional Intelligence?

Emotional Intelligence author, Daniel Goleman wrote the book on Emotional Intelligence.   A psychologist who for many years reported on the brain and behavioral sciences for The New York Times, Dr. Goleman previously was a visiting faculty member at Harvard. He recently published a nice list that will help you to determine if you need EI coaching, training, or an assessment.

Here are some questions that will help you reflect on your own mix of strengths and limits in EI. This is not a “test” of EI, but a “taste” to get you thinking about your own competencies:

1) Are you usually aware of your feelings and why you feel that way?

2) Are you aware of your limitations, as well as your personal strengths, as a leader?

3) Can you manage your distressing emotions well – e.g., recover quickly when you get upset or stressed?

4) Can you adapt smoothly to changing realities?

5) Do you keep your focus on your main goals, and know the steps it takes to get there?

6) Can you usually sense the feelings of the people you interact with and understand their way of seeing things?

7) Do you have a knack for persuasion and using your influence effectively?

8) Can you guide a negotiation to a satisfactory agreement, and help settle conflicts?

9) Do you work well on a team, or prefer to work on your own?


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